Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

4 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 3655
Author(s): Taylor, Andrew.
Title : Chivalric Conversation and the Denial of Male Fear [the author argues that late medieval knights were taught courage and loyalty through the code of chivalry and endless discussions of battles].
Source: Conflicted Identities and Multiple Masculinities: Men in the Medieval West.   Edited by Jacqueline Murray .   Garland Medieval Casebooks, volume 25. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, volume 2078. Garland Publishing, 1999.  Pages 169 - 188.
Year of Publication: 1999.

2. Record Number: 2229
Author(s): Chareyron, Nicole.
Title : De l'histoire à la chanson. Les fiançailles rompues de Louis de Male [Louis was betrothed to Isabel, the daughter of Edward III, King of England; politics and personal inclination led him to delay the match and then break it in favor of Marguerite, the daughter of the count of Brabant].
Source: Moyen Age , 103., 40241 ( 1997):  Pages 545 - 559.
Year of Publication: 1997.

3. Record Number: 3580
Author(s): Parsons, John Carmi.
Title : The Pregnant Queen as Counsellor and the Medieval Construction of Motherhood
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Moyen Age , 103., 40241 ( 1997):  Pages 39 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1996.

4. Record Number: 1773
Author(s): Diller, George T.
Title : Froissart, Historiography, the University Curriculum, and Isabeau of Bavière [discussion of two episodes in Froissart that concern Queen Isabeau: her nuptial celebration and her royal entrance into Paris].
Source: Romance Quarterly , 41., 3 (Summer 1994):  Pages 148 - 155.
Year of Publication: 1994.